Tuesday, 8 December 2009

My very clever sister-in-law showed me these pictures of Estee Lauder's house that were featured in the December In-style Magazine as she is aware that I am a blue and white fanatic. While I am not sure if I could live with quite so much pattern, I love the way arts and craft florals have been mixed with 60's geometric prints in the drawing room, and the wedgewood blue walls of the dining room have been sharpened with strict white detailing and offset with a fabulous zebra print rug. It is all rather wonderful.

Friday, 4 December 2009

I have been scouting around for pretty Christmas decorations that move away slightly from shiny balls and tinsel - which I love, no Christmas is complete with out them, but I wanted to 'mix it up' a bit. These are some beautiful decorations from Denmark and France that I have come across

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

more plates

while I am on plates I think these are all rather divine as well...

Isn't this plate fantastic. I love the cloud print & would love a few on the wall or down the centre of a dining table filled with hommus or chargrilled asparagus. YUM. Available on www.lightly.com.au